The company holds seminars for entrepreneurs


On the afternoon of February 24th, under the organization of Wenzhou Market Economy Association and Wenzhou Business Managers Association, Zheng Laiyi, president of Wenzhou Market Economy Association and chairman of Kangnai Group Co., LTD., Li Shisheng, vice president of Sincerity Pharmaceutical, Wu Kongjun, chairman of Pingyang Sino-Ocean Leather Accessories Co., LTD., and other nearly 20 entrepreneurs visited the company and had a discussion and exchange. Zhang Jing, Vice President of Wenzhou Social Science Federation, attended the symposium as a special guest.

The guests first visited the company's exhibition hall to understand the company's development history and product technology; Then I visited the data monitoring center and the production workshop to understand the company's digital intelligent transformation and upgrading and the production process of products.

After the visit, the entrepreneurs had a discussion in the multi-function hall of the company. Tu Kejie, the general manager of the company, gave a brief introduction to the company and described the future development plan of the company.

At the forum, the entrepreneurs had in-depth exchanges and interactions based on their visiting experiences. Everyone spoke enthusiastically and the atmosphere was warm. Wu Kongjun, chairman of Sino-Ocean Leather Products, talked about his experience of the visit and said that the harvest was full. He believed that Jinxin Company would have a better future. Li Shisheng, deputy general manager of Sincerity Pharmaceutical, spoke highly of our company's products. He has used our products for more than 30 years, and most of the products are still protected by aseptic production on the production line. The quality of the products has stood the test of time. Not only in asepsis control but also in sensing, defoaming, PH control and sugar control to do more research and development, for customers to solve more needs, he is full of hope for the company's future prospects; Zhou Xiaolei, general manager of Wenzhou Company of Zheshang Securities, said that he had visited a lot of valve enterprises, Jinxin enterprise made him a breath of fresh air, very distinctive in the valve industry, compared with traditional enterprises in product technology, scientific and technological content, corporate culture, schedule management, workshop environment, data management and so on have a qualitative leap, very optimistic about the future development of the enterprise; Tang Chuanwen, general manager of Seventh City Information Technology, highly affirmed the company's informatization and data, and put forward a lot of valuable opinions and suggestions on the company's data monitoring center, the "data cockpit"; Tang Chenyue, chairman of Jiayun Culture, analyzed the internal driving force of our company's development from the perspective of Chinese culture, and put forward valuable suggestions for our company's future development. Zhang Bie, general manager of Science Enterprise Management Consulting, spoke highly of our company's mission, vision and values, especially for our company's pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and commitment. Some of the company's measures and concepts are second to none in the valve industry, and combined with our company's current situation around lean management put forward valuable opinions and suggestions.

Tu Zhijin, chairman of the board of Directors, warmly welcomed all the entrepreneurs and shared their original intention, hardships and experiences in setting up enterprises.

At the meeting, President Zheng Laiyi said that he was very happy to visit Jinxin Enterprise for the first time this year. More than 20 entrepreneurs came to Jinxin to learn from Jinxin. He affirmed the work of our company and was full of hope for the future development of the company, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on strategic planning, target management and cultural management.

Finally, Zhang Jing, Vice president of Wenzhou Federation of Social Sciences, spoke highly of the transformation and upgrading of our company, especially the digital intelligent transformation. He elaborated on it by combining the twenty big spirits, the "Eight Eight Strategy" and the "sweet potatoes Economy", encouraging entrepreneurs to have the consciousness of "innovation, opening up and reform". In the new era to promote the "dare to be the first, especially able to entrepreneurship and innovation" Wenzhou spirit.

Participants took a group photo after the symposium.